Occupational handyman Pro Handyman Latest Mailing Database their 24/7 contact information, indicating that they are ready to answer questions as soon as they are received. All services are well organized, with separators, explanations and Latest Mailing Database for each service. These links provide you with additional information and images to help you understand the Latest Mailing Database service. There are many testimonials that visitors can click through, making it easy to read.
My Las Vegas Handyman This handyman site Latest Mailing Database images to create a busy feel, but is still very professional. Numerous images throughout the homepage show different items and services. There are also many Latest Mailing Database of happy customers recommending, showing and explaining their happiness. It's a great way to demonstrate social proof, and it's great for visitors who learn from visuals. 13. Honest handyman service This website is a Latest Mailing Database example of how images and whitespace can balance each other out for a professional look.
Large images are used next to white blocks Latest Mailing Database text. The visitor's attention is first drawn to the image, and then naturally shifts to the content to read. At the bottom of the page are Google Maps, social media links and hours of Latest Mailing Database . 14. Fort Worth Home Repair Fort Worth Home Repair uses far more text on the homepage than many other handyman sites.