The great wisdom of Zen Buddhism Someone asked: What is Zen? Chan Master Zhihong replied: The sound of wind and water came to category email list the side of the pillow, and the moon moved the shadow of the mountains to the window. Obviously, Q&A has several characteristics of Zen: Anti-logic: There is no normal logic between the question and the answer, and the answer itself category email list does not have normal logic; Take your finger to the moon: I always feel that there is a lot of hidden information beyond the text; Free switching between subject and object: everything is interconnected and empathetic, and everything is one.
Those who spend half a second seeing the essence of things and those who spend their entire lives unable to see the essence of things are destined to have completely different fates. --"godfather" Seeing the essence through the phenomenon is the essence category email list of Zen innovation, which is embodied in: Zen can see through causality at a glance; Zen is intuition beyond logic; Zen pursues the great wisdom of the great pattern. 2. The underlying logic of category email list Zen innovation Here we give a formula: Zen creativity = transfer of perception to enlightenment × transfer of consciousness to wisdom. Turning awareness into awareness is the main practice, and the core is to transform cognition into awareness.
The transformation of consciousness into wisdom is the practice of the object, and the core is to transform the unknown into the known; The transformation category email list of perception into enlightenment is the input of wisdom integration, and the transformation of perception into wisdom is the output of wisdom integration. One is the starting point of innovation and the other is the end of category email list innovation. 1. Awakening The meaning of turning perception into enlightenment There are three sources of a person's wisdom input: one is perception, the other is cognition, and the third is awareness. The underlying logic of Zen wisdom and innovation Perception is a way of filtering and processing information input using habits and common sense.