Applications tab you can find out what percentage is accounted for by individual e mail programs used by your recipients and whether they read your message on mobile devices desktop or in a browser. This information can vary greatly depending on which audience the campaign was sent to. Depending on the database you have in this report you will find information e.g. whether your audience is dominated by Gmail or Outlook users. Looking at the top domains you can not only see how the addresses in your database are distributed in terms of domains in which they are established but also which of them have the most openings clicks and bounces. Why should you check these reports You now know where to find this information and what it shows. You will now learn how to use the top domains report in your email marketing activities and how you will benefit from devoting time to their analysis.
The advantage of analyzing this information is the ability to better tailor the campaign to your audience and this will undoubtedly affect its results. You need to realize that a successful campaign doesn't just depend on a topic or just a well placed CTA . It is worth looking at creating the next campaign from the perspective of how your recipient whatsapp mobile number list will read it. ways to optimize your campaign I have prepared five.Solutions for you that you can introduce to your newsletter depending on the information you get from the reports I discuss. Familiarize yourself with them and think which ones you can implement right away. variety of domain data. . Adjustment of shipping parameters It's not just A B testing that can determine which topic works better for your campaigns.
See the screen below presenting the results of one of our client's campaigns email campaign report A large proportion of recipients open emails on mobile devices. What does this mean for you in practice You need to remember a few things. First of all mobile devices very often shorten the subject or preheader. Does that mean you should give up the preheader now NO! As with everything in email marketing it's good to find a happy medium. For example choose a short catchy subject so that mobile recipients will see it in its entirety and a longer and more specific preheader for people who will open the email on a desktop. You know what else can work great when you have a database that largely opens emails on mobile devices Emoticons! Yes emoticons and mobile devices really like each other and the theme looks much more interesting thanks to it.